More than ever before, employers are now beginning to understand the possible implications of not running background checks on their employees. Forever gone are the days when nobody reckoned with or saw the need to run background checks on their staff. With the current state of our nation, we all seem to be well aware that one can’t be too careful. 

Nowadays, many organizations are beginning to key into the idea of running background checks on their employees. Howbeit, these organizations realize that there are many bottlenecks around the process of conducting background checks. Hence, these organizations usually prefer to outsource background checks to external vendors.

For those vendors who focus primarily on running background checks for their clients, they certainly have no choice than to work their way around the many hurdles that stand between them and the fulfillment of their responsibilities. As is the case in every line of business; there are a host of challenges that are faced while running background checks.

It might come as a surprise that one single phenomenon can douse the bulk of the challenges that are faced during the process of running background checks. Meanwhile, it is no news that we still struggle with having a viable database in Nigeria. If there was a valid database, it is very unlikely that we would still be struggling with the issue of ghost workers in our civil service. Anyway, that would be talk for another day. At least, we have clearly established the lack of an adequate database within our system.

background check in Nigeria, background check, check in Nigeria


In trying to keep up with the times, some organizations have taken measures to mitigate this challenge. As a case study, Klinsheet Consulting now has the capacity to do identity management for anyone and everyone within the shores of Nigeria. As much as this is an extremely laudable measure, it is not without its own limitations. For instance; as much as it is feasible for Klinsheet Consulting to verify any address in Nigeria from the comfort of their office, they understand the significance of going ahead to verify the address physically. Another scenario when an incomplete database affects background check processes is when academic certifications need to be confirmed. Due to the lack of a database, these institutions often resort to sorting through brochures to confirm that a student actually attended their school.

In truth, the limitations of not having a database are countless. In order for us to make remarkable progress towards having seamless background check processes; it is first required for us to have a viable database in Nigeria. If we must move forward, there is the need to embrace technology as a tool to execute background check services. Once the database is in place, it becomes feasible to create a solution that is easy to use for consumers. 

We earnestly hope that in the nearest future; Nigeria would have systems in place to make it possible for background check companies to automate their processes. Once these systems are in place; it becomes easy to build software that’ll eliminate the manual processes involved in running background checks.

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